Squeaky Beach

Welcome to our Australia Page!


In 1986, my husband and I, along with our four children, agreed to host an exchange student from Southern Australia. I was familiar with exchange students since my family hosted some when I was growing up, and I also had the opportunity to travel and stay with a host family as well in 1972.

In thinking back to that first exchange experience and how far away Australia seemed, I could only hope that one day I would have the pleasure and opportunity to travel there to once again visit our dear friend, and at that time, young man, Gary.

In 2006, with another adventurous couple, we embarged on a three week journey to Australia and New Zealand. The first five days were spent with our friend, Gary and his parents near Meeniyan, Victoria, Australia, where they own approximately, 900 acres of land and manage over 1,200 head of beef cattle. Gary's sister and family own a dairy farm which we also were privileged to tour.

Gary on his Beef Ranch

Our visit with Gary and his family gave us the most gracious and warm welcome we could have possibly had. After traveling for a few days, via Hawaii, we arrived in Melbourne, tired, hungry and ready for communion with the land and Australian life. Gary was an amazing host, taking us to some of his favorite hangouts, touring sites, and also sharing his home and ranching life with us.

Squeaky Beach

One of the first places we visited was called Squeaky Beach. As we walked through the white sand, we could hear a squeaking sound caused by the friction from our feet hitting the sand. It was a chilly day, breezy but sunny. I couldn't resist getting my feet wet, and also thanking the water, asking for blessings and also sending love out into the ocean and all the life within it!




Our travels took us from small-town Gippsland area, to Uluru (Ayers Rock) and Alice Springs, to Cairns and the Great Barrier Reef to Sydney and the Blue Mountains.


Daintree National Park - Cape Tribulation Section




Even though it's been a number of years since our visit to Australia, I am still in awe at the magnificence and serendipitous experience we encountered while making this journey. My research prior to going to Australia was quite limited. I learned a lot while traveling but have also since researched some to better understand the areas we traversed.

In the Heart of Daintree



What I have found to be significant about the Daintreee National Rainforest area is that it is a World Heritage Site. And while there are many throughout the world, this is the only one that borders another World Heritage Site, the Great Barrier Reef. Most people have heard of the reef and understand some of its fame. Daintree, however, from my perspective, is far less publicized. Amazingly, it is home to one of the most diverse collections of plant and animal species on the planet, many of which have existed here for millons of years. Therefore, what happens in Daintree also affects plant and animal life throughout the world.






One of those unique species appeared one afternoon giving us a rare opportunity to not only see a Cassowary but to photograpy it in the wild! These Southern Cassowaries are on the endangered species list, with a Northestern Australia population estimated between 1,500 and 2,500, with numbers declining.




Bridal Veil Fungus


Enjoying the rainforest flora included an encounter with many Stinkhorn Fungi, more commonly known as Bridal Veil Fungi. With a definite fungus head and a white, skirted veil, these beauties give off a smell of rotting meat, thus attracting swarms of flies which pass in and out of the veil, collecting and spreading spores throughout Daintree.


Daintree National Rainforest meets the Great Barrier Reef
Daintree National Rainforest meets the Great Barrier Reef



Footprints in the Sand

Sandee at the beach

Every day we have an opportunity to make a difference in someone's life, for the planet or for all of existence, everywhere! It truly does not matter if others are aware of what we are doing, as long as we are aware and hold onto only the purest of intentions. To give to others, the world, or all of existence can generate far-reaching effects, powered by love, peace and harmony.

Earth is an amazing planet that has the ability to sustain life in some of the harshest conditions. It is quite obvious that we, as humans, do not always take the best care of our planet, or even ourselves. However, the planet still offers us unlimited abundance, health and wealth.

So I am going to challenge you to take a look at your life. On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your personal health and well-being? One would be not well at all and ten would be feeling very fit and healthy.

Next, how would you rate your home and its surroundings (1 - 10)? One being cluttered, chaotic, disorganized, (need a huge dumpster and a team to help clear out the crap) and ten being organized, clean, harmonious, peaceful and relaxed.

These two things have the greatest influence on you. The choices you make in regard to these two components of your life determine on a daily basis what your quality of life is but also sets the tone for the direction and course your life takes in the process. Honoring and respecting yourself every day with good food, plenty of pure water, exercise, taking in nature and proper rest and relaxation will keep you at the top of the scale.

UluruHaving your surroundings organized and clean will also allow your mind to be at peace and feel balanced and relaxed.

The more balanced you are with your life and health, the more harmony will exude from your presence and at the same time, the more peace and harmony will be attracted to you and your surroundings.

You are a very powerful human being. If you are struggling with your health, then I would suggest that you begin somewhere. You don't need to change everything at once, but start somewhere. Change one thing today. Incorporate that in your daily routine. Once you have that down, then change another. Integrate that, then change another.

Here's an example. If you drink soda pop, let's say four per day. Today, drink one less. Integrate that into your daily routine. Replace one of those sodas with a sparkling and refreshing glass of water. Pay attention to how your body feels. Integrate this routine until you are ready to take the next step, and replace another soda with a second glass of pure, refreshing, sparkling water. As you do this, you may begin to feel the difference in your body. Less aches and pains, more true energy and a greater sense of well-being.

I was totally addicted to sweet iced tea. Oh, how I loved that drink, but my body was screaming at me, hurting, achy, feeling my age, etc. I was almost living on the drink. So, I began to cut down, drinking more water with each passing day. I began to feel better and better. I finally got to the point where I was no longer addicted to the sweet tea and definitely noticed a healthier body, very few aches and pains, a sharper mind, greater muscle strength, and I could also sleep better at night. For me, this was a huge game-changer. I was also able to finally lose those extra ten pounds I had been trying to get off. It was so worth the effort.

Uluru-2I also had a huge disaster of a mess in my bedroom. It got to the point that I didn't want to sleep in there. It was just a mess with clothes, personal items that weren't related to sleeping or resting, and for the most part, it was just clutter. Over the years, I had cleaned it up from time to time, but nothing seemed to last. Within a few weeks, the whole room was a disaster again. The difference this time was that I decided to monitor my habits. If I laid a piece of clothing down in a place it didn't truly belong, I stopped myself. I got up and put it away, or instead of laying it down in an inappropriate place, I made sure I put it away. It took some conscious effort to observe and change my habits.

My dresser was always a catch-all place in our house. No more. I am very careful and cautious about how I use the dresser and the whole room. The feeling I now have upon entering and using my bedroom is so relaxing and refreshing that I find it is easier to fall asleep. I am better rested upon rising. It is easier to get up in the morning as I am no longer greeted with a huge, unsightly mess. Instead I feel order and harmony , setting a beautiful tone for my day.


Alice Springs Shopping

The more balanced you are, the greater the vibration of your imprint or footprint. Every step you take, every person you encounter, every word you speak has a vibration. If these things come from a person who is rooted in negativity and chaos, more negativity and chaos is created and spread. However, if a person is balanced and in harmony with him/herself, that will be the vibration that emanates.

So, this is where you have a choice to make a difference with your life footprints. Just as you see the footprints in the above photograph, each step in our lives is important. WE are important. I invite you to join me in creating a wonderfully loving footprint with each step you take.

I ask you to make a commitment to yourself to work toward resonating with the "ten" vibration of supremely great health. As you do, you will also feel supported by cleaning and clearing your personal environment. Or you can work things the opposite way. Clean your environment, and feel the effect that has on your personal health.

I send you gratitude for being willing to join me in leaving the highest possible vibration with every footstep we take. Know that every effort you make to enhance your health or organize your environment helps to change the vibration for everyone on the planet.

May you find peace in your heart, joy in your journey, and love at every encounter!

With love & light,


Australia Beach

Touching Soul Blog


© Copyright ~ Sandee Traeger ~ Touching Soul ~ 2011