



Merlin & MeSpiritual Retreat in Scotland & England

While my spiritual journey in life has taken many twists and turns, brought me to many interesting places and offered many unmatched experiences, none can quite compare to the enormity of perspective and life-changing gifts I encountered through interaction with the people of the world.

One such experience was meeting my good friend, "Merlin" (aka, Gordon Strachan - January 24, 1934 – July 7, 2010), in Edinburgh, Scotland. Although, "Merlin" was recovering from some health issues at the time, he still took the time to meet up with the graceful group of women I was touring with. And even when we thought we were late for our bus and rushed to the bus stop only to find we had another hour, "Merlin" followed us and retrieved us for a longer visit.

There were lots of things to learn from "Merlin," including new awarenesses regarding Sacred Geometry and embedded Light Codes in poetry and artwork.

Gordon was very lovingly referred to as Merlin when he had the occasion to dress up as the icon in celebration of his book launch, "The Return of Merlin," released July 30, 2006. This and other books by Gordon are available on Amazon.

Gordon devoted a large portion of his life to researching many of Merlin's magical and alchemical tools and sacred understandings. He then took things a step or two further and said, "What if this is true?" And then he also researched that. In so doing, he was led in many wonderous directions and discovered and learned even more than seemed possible for Merlin given his timeframe and the availability of information.


Rosslyn Chapel and Surrounding Area

Below are some photos from my visit to Rosslyn Chapel and
some great hikes in the nearby Rosslyn Glen.

My experiences at Rossyln Chapel were many. Since I am an avid photographer and writer, I couldn't seem to snap enough photographs or take enough notes. However, I did have enough to keep a bit of a record of the placse I've been, some of the conversations with the people I've enountered, and perhaps even some unusual messages from the higher realms.

Of course, there is far more to Rosslyn Chapel that I could ever imagine experiencing. The iconography carved into the stone walls of the church seems infinite. I didn't have a very fancy camera so my photographing abilities were very limited. It was still fun to hear the varied stories and folklore that surrounds not only the beautiful chapel itself, but the countryside surrounding the chapel and the village itself.

One interesting thing that happened was that the south door of the chapel which is kept locked was open the day we were there. But only the one day. The following day it was again locked. It was very curious that it was unlocked. Our tour guide, Ani Williams, told us that in the many, many years that she had visited the chapel and brought tour groups to the chapel, the south door was never open or unlocked. It was a very auspicious occurence and we were honored to have been there to traverse in and out of it at our leisure.

King Arthur's Castle Ruins

Continuing our tour, we flew to Bristol, England. Three days were spent in the area, visiting the ruins of King Arthur's Castle, Merlin's Cave and listening to the sea sing its lonely maiden songs on the cliffs of Cornwall.


Arthur's Castle

Situated below the castle ruins is Merlin's Cave. Many mystical events, collaborations, or strategies were experienced, planned or plotted in the sacred confines of Merlin's Cave.

Merlin's Cave








Our group had the honor of toning with the great acoustical properties present within this cave. The recording was later used by Ani Williams as she recorded a new CD called Garden of the Magdalene.


And now, on to Glastonbury

and Stonehenge

Chalice Well & Gardens

Michael Tor

Drumming with Nigel & Carolyn in Dartmoor

Glastonbury Abbey

Church of St. John the Baptist


© Copyright ~ Sandee Traeger ~ Touching Soul ~ 2011