St. Vitus

Czech Republic

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Good Morning, Good Afternoon or Good Evening!

Wherever you are in the world, it is my sincere hope that you are having an exceptionally wonderful day!

It has been my honor and pleasure to have spent so many years traveling to various places on the planet, experiencing different cultures, meeting wonderful people, communing with nature, and exchanging energy as I felt called to do.

As a testament to the challenges of life, importance of surrender and the magic of divine order, I will be sharing some photos and experiences on this site to give you a taste of what my journey on this planet has been like. Perhaps you have similar stories, will find help or encouragement, or feel the energy and communications that I have either felt or experienced over the years.

For a long time, I did not understand what I was doing here. There is an old saying, "Hindsight is 20/20." In looking back, things look very different to me than when I was in the midst of each encounter, life experience, challenge or blessing. Much of my life was spent hiding from my true self, afraid to let myself be who I am, critical of each interaction with others, judging myself for not being all I could be.

"Touching Soul" has been my life's passion. From my earliest memories to my most recent experiences, my life has been about feeling each person's essence, recognizing and acknowledging their soul, its mission and purpose, honoring and supporting that, helping to clear obstacles or blockages, opening to the greatest and most magical experiences that anyone could possibly choose to have...and welcoming each soul's own magnificence.

My life mission of "Touching Soul" has taken me around, across, deep within and to the top of a variety of places within the United States and its Territories. I have also had the privilege of traveling to a number of foreign countries, traversing the land, experiencing the sea or bodies of water, glaciers, mountains, deserts, private homes and governmental facilities. This also included interactions with the people, introductions to their cultures, and at times, a feeling of integration or welcoming into specific families. What an amazing adventure!

It is now my honor to share the magical Light Frequencies and Vibrational Energies of these experiences with you, your group,organization or company as a Speaker, Presenter or Mentor.

Contact me at for information or details.


Blessings, Love & Light,



Touching Soul Blog


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